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Featured Couple: Violette & Antoine

“It was 30°C under a roasting midday sun. “I’m never going to make it” I said to Antoine. I’m one of these people who get “hangry”. He has always been supportive though. He knows I can’t do anything on an empty stomach, even less in this dry South Eastern France heat. It was our 3rd region since we started our Tour de France on bikes. We had been cycling in this hilly part of Provence since early in the morning, and were expected in a lavender farm up on the Plateau de Clansayes. As it was a Monday, we didn’t find a place to eat on the way. The 300 meters incline was hard to cycle. When we finally made it to the top, all sweaty and red, we were warmly welcomed by Odile, the owner. She not only offered us food but let us enjoy the little piece of paradise that is her beautiful Provençale home in the middle of Lavender fields. We sat there for a long time, enjoying the view on the Mount Ventoux, listening to the wind waving through the lavender sprigs. This cycling trip around France was a first, for us who are used to backpacking. It was definitely a memorable experience. Somehow, people are touched by your bravery and determination. Because, trust me, you’ll need bravery and determination! Traveling through the French countryside and documenting our journey was one of the best trip we’ve been on and an amazing experience as a couple. But next time, we’ll make sure to take electric bikes and food with us!”

Get to Know the Couple:
Violette & Antoine: @lifexplorateurs

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